I Can’t Stop Crying

Grief and Recovery A Compassionate Guide

I Can’t Stop Crying is an essential, compassionate, honest guide to dealing with grief. When you experience the loss of someone close to you, life will never be the same. Grief is painful but necessary. Those who try to avoid grief will likely face a series of long-term problems that can be prevented by working at the pain of loss. Grief can be overwhelming and so personal that other people often have difficulty understanding or responding to the needs of the one who is hurting.

The death of someone close can bring immense pain and confusion.

When someone you love dies everything changes. Your daily life experience and perspective are impacted. Your reality is forever altered.

I Can’t Stop Crying Grief and Recovery a Compassionate Guide looks at grieving as a painful but necessary process. Permission is offered as a way to cope, feel and in time with hard work, recover and move forward.

“A down-to-earth good book for all those who think they are alone.”


“I Can’t Stop Crying can and should be read by anyone going through grief, and perhaps by everyone else as well.”

Robert Buckman, MD, PhD